BBC News Free | News & Magazines
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BBC news has captured the mainstream for a long time with its informative and thorough approach that has given people an inside scoop into the most critical aspects of the world. You are in good hands with the BBC News Mobile app where you can get the latest news with stories that will touch your heart and also help you remain aware in a world full of progressing concerns. They are in the business of keeping people informed through their credible sources that seek to display the truth with accuracy and integrity. There are so many facets to the world today and it requires a special news platform to cover it all. B

BC is especially good at giving a versatile experience, but this might be lacking if you are limited to a television or computer. That's why they introduced the BBC News mobile application to give people access to some of the best news stories with friendly and knowledgeable reporters around the world! This app is also advantageous for people with discernible taste who want a more personalized approach to modern news. It empowers you to customize your experience for the best results possible. Sometimes there are certain stories that you might not be interested in, and they understand this fully based on the new and innovative features offered. Here we will explore these and show you why it's a good app to consider for future use!

Version: Varies
Developer: BBC Studios Limited
Uninstall the app:
1. Go to Settings menu;
2. Choose Apps or Application manager;
3. Touch the app you want to remove;
4. Press Uninstall.

Features and Benefits

One of the key features to note regarding the BBC news mobile app is that you will have access to the top stories of the world. BBC has a trusted network of journalists who take pride in giving you the truth in its purest form without altering it. The Mynews feature allows you to personalize your news stories and get a more fruitful experience overall where you aren't bogged down with unfavorable news. There's nothing wrong with finding certain stories unfavorable and BBC recognizes that we all have different tastes. You have the ability to add or get rid of certain topics when you see the + icon and go immediately to the stories that spark your interest. You have a personalized my news feed where you can order stories by topic or time and then utilize the manage topics tab which allows for you to stay on top of the latest juicy news. Find relevant topics faster than ever with this app based on individual preferences which can be rare across other applications. The app will take note of the various interests you've expressed and also your individual location so that it can suggest the right stories that will pique your interest. Or if you wish to conduct a search based on something you heard then there are many other stories in the database that will conveniently pop up for you to explore. It's this convenient way to research that will yield new stories that will enrich your overall experience with the BBC News mobile app. You will also gain access to popular videos that have been circulating the station which can give you a break from reading every once in a while.

There is continual access to the BBC Live service radio where you can get valuable insight into live journalist opinions 24/7. Another notable feature includes push notifications so that you know when something big is happening. A great benefit to this app is that you can also access the offline version so an internet connection isn't entirely required. The latest news stories can be downloaded at your convenience when you have a stable connection and then stored on your device to read later! Share your favorite stories on social media and give friends a topic to discuss with you for hours of fun debate or intellectual conversation. You have the power to change the font layout and controls to make things more legible and easier to read. It's always possible to dive deeper into a story with related ones and this app makes it possible to get the bigger picture with access to other topics surrounding the main one. It will get addictive over time when you find many more subtleties that complement any story and will give you a wider perspective of what's really going on. So many possibilities await you with this versatile BBC News app for mobile devices!


  • Impressive amount of information
  • Can download stories to read without internet
  • Professional videos and insider scoops from the news teams


  • Might find some spelling errors
  • Hastily written content may be present
  • Some of the story text might vanish randomly


Keeping up with BBC news has never been easier and it's all thanks to this convenient package they've condensed into a mobile application that's convenient for all. Pay attention to reputable and professionally sourced news stories that give you perspective and insight into the complex world we are all accustomed to. They shine a light in the darkness with good and refreshing content that has new information each day.

If you're an enthusiast for the news and staying informed while on the go then this is the perfect addition to getting your morning coffee or finding out that latest juicy fact while taking a lunch break. You won't have to be confined to a certain space to enjoy BBC News when you utilize their professional application. Download the BBC News mobile app today to gain a considerable advantage and find out the latest developments that might be pressing to know or enjoyable to watch in video format!