My Diary – Journal, Diary, Daily Journal with Lock Free | Lifestyle
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In the past, having a diary was risky business because although there were locks and keys available it didn't matter because all you needed was a heavy-duty tool to pry it open. Many people have fallen victim to an incident like this where their secrets were revealed due to the tangible nature of a diary and probably would have been better off never making one in the first place. In our modern age of technology, there are new possibilities because your phone is highly secure by comparison to paper files.

A great aspect of having your diary on a mobile device with the My Diary app is that they offer you the ability to create a lock to ensure no prying eyes gain entry into your personal thoughts. On top of this, it's possible to create added security measures on the modern smartphones we have today such as thumb print, password, and even facial recognition software. Let's see those prying family members gain access to that diary shielded like Fort Knox. You have a very nice space to work with that will encourage creativity and writing inspiration with the My Diary mobile app. Not only that, but you will be able to log all thoughts with you anywhere you go because nobody leaves home without their phone. In the past, you might have needed to hide your diary beneath the floorboards, but now you can leave your phone in plain sight with the My Diary app installed without a care in the world.

Version: Varies
Developer: Dairy App & Notes & Audio Editor & Voice Recorder
Uninstall the app:
1. Go to Settings menu;
2. Choose Apps or Application manager;
3. Touch the app you want to remove;
4. Press Uninstall.

Features and Benefits

The My Diary App features some impressive qualities to take note of that will encourage you to trust it to record those personal thoughts. Your memories will be safe and secure with a password that will guard your entries and give you peace of mind for future years. It would be a wise idea to back up the data between phones just in case. It can be double protected with a thumbprint and password and if you forget it then don't worry because all you have to do is touch and you will gain access in a matter of seconds. Aside from the security aspects of this application, you will find that there are many unique and visually appealing qualities that will bring your entries to life like never before. Some people don't have the best handwriting and may have been deterred from having a diary because of this. It doesn't matter when you're typing your entries in an incredibly perfect and fancy font that makes you look like a writing expert. There are multiple journal themes to choose from that will elevate your diary to higher artistic levels of excellence that will encourage you to make more entries each day. Each individual life journey is different, and sometimes it isn't all sunshine and rainbows which is why this app gives you different options based on each day and your personality type.

The sync and backup feature have taken great consideration of your memories by making it so that you never lose your important diary by uploading the data to the cloud. Another benefit is the ability to create photos to add memories that will enhance and compliment your good times. Not only that, but you can even record a video entry with raw emotions that will reflect how you're feeling so you can look back on how far you've come or re-watch a good time with friends over and over again. This is incredibly useful for storing memories in comparison to just writing them down. The app cares about your health because most likely you will be staring at the screen for lengthy periods of time and they accommodate with an eye protection mode while recording lengthy entries. Compliment your writing with many innovative stickers and fun emojis that will bring any page to life and make the experience more memorable. The app is highly organized so you don't lose track of those important thoughts and will give you the option for tags that enhance your searching after a few years of use. You'd be surprised how hard it is to find something after you've been interested in personal journalism for a while which is why they help you to find that elusive moment to remember for the future. This is an excellent platform to enhance the visual quality of your diary and you can access these cherished moments for years to come with unlimited space!


  • Backup features for data
  • Security is a priority
  • Added stickers and creative themes


  • Might crash at times
  • Needs updates
  • May contain ads


If you're ready to start your journey towards an incredibly artistic and organized diary then you should download the My Diary app to get started today. It contains all the necessary modern features you would expect from a comprehensive application that will enrich your diary experience and allow you to remember the past. Cherish your memories further with added stickers, videos, and pictures that will trigger laughter and even tears at times.

After all, having a diary means you can tell it anything regarding a wide variety of emotions, and this app will equip anyone to express themselves at their highest and lowest moments. Later, you will be able to find that entry you want to read again to look back on your progress and this is easily done with convenient tabs. If you're an avid writer or you simply want to get into it for the first time, then this is a reliable option that will produce a modern diary that's safe from prying eyes!